Zoom raiding involves unauthorized individuals disrupting Zoom meetings, often causing chaos and interrupting proceedings. This activity gained notoriety during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic when virtual meetings became commonplace. While some may view it as a prank, it’s important to recognize that such actions are disruptive and often violate platform policies and legal standards.

What Is Zoom Raiding?

Zoom raiding, also known as “Zoom bombing,” refers to the act of joining Zoom meetings without permission to cause disruptions. These disruptions can range from sharing inappropriate content to causing general disorder within the meeting. Engaging in Zoom raiding is generally considered unethical and can lead to serious consequences, including bans from platforms and potential legal action.

Discord’s Role in Zoom Raiding

Discord, a popular communication platform, has been used by some individuals to organize and coordinate Zoom raids. Certain Discord servers are dedicated to planning such activities, where users share Zoom meeting links and strategies for disruption. It’s crucial to understand that participating in or facilitating Zoom raiding through Discord violates both Zoom’s and Discord’s terms of service.

Discord Bots and Server Links

Within these Discord servers, users may employ various bots to automate tasks or manage their activities. However, using Discord bots to facilitate Zoom raiding is against Discord’s community guidelines. Additionally, sharing or distributing Discord server links that promote or engage in Zoom raiding can lead to account suspensions or bans.

Joining Discord Servers

If you’re interested in joining Discord servers, it’s advisable to seek out communities that promote positive interactions and adhere to platform guidelines. Websites like Вікі про сервери розбрату offer directories of various Discord servers across different interests, providing a safe and enjoyable experience.

Поширені запитання

  • Is Zoom raiding illegal?
    • Yes, unauthorized access and disruption of online meetings can be considered illegal and may result in legal consequences.
  • Can I get banned from Discord for participating in Zoom raids?
    • Yes, engaging in activities that violate Discord’s terms of service, such as organizing or participating in Zoom raids, can lead to account suspension or banning.
  • How can I protect my Zoom meetings from being raided?
    • Implement measures such as requiring passwords for meetings, enabling waiting rooms, and restricting screen sharing to hosts.
  • Are there legitimate uses for Discord bots?
    • Absolutely, Discord bots can be used for moderation, automating tasks, and enhancing user engagement within communities.
  • Where can I find Discord servers that align with my interests?


While the concept of Zoom raiding may seem intriguing to some, it’s essential to recognize the ethical and legal implications associated with such activities. Engaging in or promoting disruptive behaviors not only violates platform policies but can also lead to serious consequences. It’s always best to use platforms like Discord and Zoom responsibly and in ways that contribute positively to online communities.

For a visual explanation and further insights into Zoom raiding and its implications, you may find the following video informative:

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Zoom Raiding